I've broken up with the scale. Ehhh, okay maybe not a solid break-up. But we're definitely taking a little break. I think we need some time apart.
The week before my son's birthday party was a stressful one. Yada yada, if you read my last post you know the deal. I was still eating low carb, no sugar but I was not working out. I was also PMSing and very stressed and emotional. I probably ate too much. Nevertheless, I thought it a good idea to torture myself by jumping on the scale every morning and grew more and more horrified at what I saw every day. One day I was up 4 pounds, the next day I was down 2, and on went the week. Last Monday I woke up feeling exhausted but happy that his birthday weekend was finally over and our life would get back to normal. I resumed my daily workout plan and started to feel better. Again, I was jumping on the scale every day. By Thursday it hadn't budged and by Saturday it was up again. I spent this weekend super depressed and disappointed in myself. On top of all that, my kid was sick and I always feel so helpless when he feels ill. I felt like a fucking heifer and did what I do best when I am feeling down: I binged. Cookies and soda and chips and Pillsbury biscuits. By Monday morning my kid was feeling better, but I was down in the dumps. I spent all day with him on the couch and didnt even bother cleaning. I made sure to eat well, but I still felt really depressed.
This morning I woke up feeling determined. My kid was well enough to go back to school and, after dropping him off, I decided to take a 2 mile walk at the park right next to our apartment. I left my headphones at home and thought it would be good to just walk and talk to myself and figure out what I was doing wrong. And by my 4th lap around the park, I had it all down.
First off, I am not following a ketogenic diet. I am following the Gundry Diet. I think the person that has lost sight of that the most is me. The Keto Diet focuses on very low carbs and high amounts of fat. However, the Gundry Diet is a lowfat diet that is also low carb. Dr. Gundry asks that we focus on lean protein and nutrient-dense, non-starchy veggies. Fat should be eaten throughout the day, but in small portions.
The first two weeks I was all about the Gundry Diet. I read and re-read the book twice within the first week and knew the plan inside and out. I believe I lost 5 pounds that first week alone. However, once I started posting to my weightloss IG and got all caught up on making friends there, I noticed that my diet started to change. I started following lots of keto IG accounts. These men and women were losing tons of weight by following strict ketogenic diets and, man, their daily food pics looked great! Bacon and cheese and avocado and cream and......
Without really even thinking about it, I strayed away from Gundry's diet guidelines and began purchasing and making the foods I saw being cooked on all these keto IG accounts. On top of that, I was still eating lots of veggies which upped my carb intake...which is fine on the Gundry diet but not okay on the Keto diet.
So for two weeks I was eating lots of fat and a percentage of carbs that were okay on a low carb diet, but not a Keto diet. And that's why the weight was stalling. And I felt like shit. And I'm still a heifer.
And,well, here I am. Still a heifer.
But I am a heifer that had a total "a ha!" moment today and have since corrected it. I am following the Gundry Diet. Low carb, lean protein, lots of veggies, small portions of fat. My IG will no longer be full of cheese and bacon and avocado and red meat. You'll be seeing a lot more greenery and a lot less grease.
And then maybe that scale and I will kiss and make up soon...
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